A man identified simply as Somto has revealed how he lost his job not long after he refused to allow his boss taste his food.
A man identified simply as Somto has revealed how he lost his job not long after he refused to allow his boss to taste his food.
In a post shared on X he said that he began working somewhere else over an experience at his old job citing it as the reason he lost his job.
He noted that the incident happened on a specific day when his boss, who was fond of eating workers’ food, started tasting everyone’s food one after another. Before it got to his turn, he hid his food to prevent his boss from tasting it.
The boss was not oblivious to this and gave him a mean look for his actions. A week later, he was fired by the said boss for not being a team player.
His statement: “I got fired from a workplace because I didn’t let the manager eat from my lunch. He always went around eating from everyone’s lunch, so one day, I quickly packed up all of my food before he got to me. He gave me a long, angry stare. I was fired the following week.”
In a follow up post, the young man, when asked the reason he was fired for, wrote “I wasn’t a team player.”